Jira Issues Search API
Documentation: Search for issues using JQL (GET)
Sample Request
curl --request GET \
--user 'email@example.com:<api_token>' \
--header 'Accept: application/json' \
--url 'http://domain/rest/api/3/search?jql=project%20%3D%20HSP'
Sample Response
"expand": "names,schema",
"startAt": 0,
"maxResults": 50,
"total": 1,
"issues": [
"id": "10002",
"key": "ED-1",
"fields": {
"updated": "2020-05-08T07:55:44.099+0000",
Recommended approach: CDC
We can leverage the fact that issues contain an updated
property which is monotonically increasing, and the fact that
the API allows for the data to be filtered and ordered based on updated
Based on this, we could prepare a first query with the following query parameters:
jql=updated>="2020-05-08 07:55" ORDER BY updated ASC&maxResults=100
And based on the results we would be updating the updated
filter for subsequent queries.
Sample Configuration
"name": "sample-search-issues.jira.http.source",
"config": {
"connector.class": "com.github.castorm.kafka.connect.http.HttpSourceConnector",
"tasks.max": "1",
"http.offset.initial": "timestamp=2020-05-08T07:55:44Z",
"http.request.url": "https://your-host-here/rest/api/2/search",
"http.request.headers": "Accept: application/json",
"http.request.params": "jql=updated>=\"${offset.timestamp?datetime.iso?string['yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm']}\" ORDER BY updated ASC&maxResults=100",
"http.auth.type": "Basic",
"http.auth.user": "username",
"http.auth.password": "password",
"http.response.list.pointer": "/issues",
"http.response.record.offset.pointer": "key=/id, timestamp=/fields/updated",
"http.timer.interval.millis": "30000",
"http.timer.catchup.interval.millis": "1000",
"kafka.topic": "topic"